Just as each home and each backyard is different, so is each swimming pool is different. They can be designed to fit with your home and backyard in mind. They can utilize different techniques, materials, and can accommodate different environments. We know for example, that Southern California has unique climate and geography. So a pool designed for Las Vegas may or may not work for the Inland Empire or for Orange County. Our needs are unlike the needs of anywhere else.
Types of Materials
What is the difference between concrete vs. fiberglass vs. vinyl pools? Which is the best for our area or for our family? Did we even know that other materials can be used to build pools? Will a certain type of pool last longer then others? An experience pool designer and builder can answer those questions. Because the ground is different, the landscaping is different, even the water is different. So we need experts who understand all these differences and can tell us what is the best option to fit our needs and wants.
The Cost
Each of these types of pools and spas have their own costs. Some of it may be within our budget and some out of it. We can only know when we sit down with a professional. Phoenix Pools and Spas will provide you access to those professionals and experts, in both pool design and build. They can show why one is more cost effective then another. How long one type of pool or spa can last in our area, and why.
Different climates act differently on the wear and tear of a pool. Even the soil in the ground erodes a pool in challenging ways depending on its composition. So maintenance is always a concern when we are making a major purchase. We want our pools to last a long time, as long as the house lasts and as long as our family is there.
So please call Phoenix Pools and Spas. Ask them your questions and hear their answers. They are ready to help and design with you in mind.