One thing about pool liners is that they all wear out, no matter their quality. That’s just how strong (and destructive) the sun is. And with this year having some of the hottest temperatures on record, you will most likely be shopping for new liners by next spring. In that case, this is the best time to start sampling different designs.
But as simple as it sounds, getting a good pool liner is not an easy task, especially if you are on a fixed budget. So, here are some basic tips to guide you in that endeavor:
Decide on a Suitable Color
You probably chose the current colors for a reason and hence it makes sense to keep the same color scheme with the new liners and avoid any drastic changes. But if you have no idea of how color schemes for pool liners work, it is advisable to match the sky around you.
If you live in a place where the sun is always up, get a deep blue shade for both aesthetic and functional reasons (blueliners absorb sunlight and thus keep the pool warmer).
Pick Out a Pattern
No matter how cool the color of your liner is, a bit of added personality in the form of a pattern will do no harm, and may even increase the aesthetic appeal. Fortunately, you can find just about every pattern design in major pool stores. If you have a backyard swimming pool, a subtle, more intimate pattern, such as a gemstone or stonework look would be ideal. For larger, front yard pools, think of more welcoming designs like ceramic, brick, or marble.
Don’t Forget to Pick a Functional Texture
Although not as important as the colors and patterns, the texture of a liner can make the pool easier or harder to access. It is therefore essential to get it right, especially if you decide to go with a vinyl cover. Ideally, you want a material that both feels good on your bare feet and provides you a comfortable grip. Embossed vinyl, in particular, ranks highly on both ends, although it may be slightly more expensive than other options.
It Goes Beyond The Liner
Finding a cool liner may feel like a huge achievement – and to be fair, it is – but you shouldn’t stop at that. You should also have, and observe a maintenance routine tailored to keep the pool chemistry in the right order to prevent things like slippery algae build-up, which can significantly shorten the lifespan of the liner. Options available in this regard include the use of automated chlorination systems, UV light, and employing advanced mineral and salt systems.
Questions? Ask Phoenix Pools and Spa
Hopefully, the above tips will help you make an informed selection when you go on a search for a pool liner. And if you still have some unanswered questions about pool liners or anything to do with swimming pools, call Phoenix Pools and Spa at (951) 695-0225 and we’ll be happy to assist you. Also, follow our Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages for regular updates.